
Kheria Airport in Agra (AGR) to Aizawl Airport (AJL) Flights

Kheria Airport is one of the busiest airport in the city of Agra in India. To find cheap flights from Kheria Airport (AGR) to Aizawl Airport on Flight Dada is very easy. Just put departure and return date from Kheria airport to Aizawl Airport (AJL) and enter number of passengers. When you enter search, our engine will show you best flight price deals and availability from all major Indian flight booking sites offering bargain flights from Kheria airport to Aizawl Airport. There are 2 scheduled departures from Kheria airport and 2 domestic arrivals however, it is not clear if any of this departure is scheduled for Aizawl Airport.

Compare Cheap Return Flights From Kheria Airport To Aizawl Airport (AJL)

Details about Kheria airport

Kheria airport has latitude of 27.1586 and longitude of 77.9614 with an IATA code of AGR. Most popular destination from Kheria airport is Mumbai (Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport) which is also known as Bombay (IATA: BOM). Main runway at Kheria airport is 2743 metre long and 148 ft wide with Concrete surface. It is also lighted. Nearest airport to Kheria airport is Gwalior Airport which is about 99km away from Kheria airport. More information about Kheria airport (facilities, wifi, sleeping areas, timezone, uber etc..)

Indian Airport

Details about Aizawl Airport (AJL)

Aizawl Airport has latitude of  23.7464 and longitude of 92.803 with an IATA code of AJL . Most popular destination from Aizawl Airport is  Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport (GAU) with an IATA code of AJL. Main runway at Aizawl Airport is  3755 ft / 1144 m long and 70 ft / 21 m wide with ASP surface. Nearest airport to Aizawl Airport is Kailashahar Airport (IXH)Distance: 50 mi / 81 km. More information about Aizawl Airport (wifi, uber, car rental, hotels, accommodation, timezone, facilities, lounges etc) and other Indian airports

Above page will give you enough information and option to following questions.

1.) How to find cheapest flights from Kheria airport to Aizawl Airport?

There are many cheap flights from Kheria airport to Aizawl Airport. To search best flight deal from Kheria airport to Aizawl Airport, please put your preferred travel dates from Kheria airport to Aizawl Airport and do the search. Flight Dada will show you best and cheapest flight price from Kheria airport to Aizawl Airport from many flight booking sites in India and overseas.

2.) Is there a direct flight from Kheria airport to Aizawl Airport?

There may be a direct flight from Kheria airport to Aizawl Airport. If not, there may be a flight from Kheria airport to Aizawl Airport via Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport (GAU). Search result above will let you know if there is a direct flight from Kheria airport to Aizawl Airport.

3.) How many flights fly from Kheria airport to Aizawl Airport every day?

There may be one or more flights from Kheria airport to Aizawl Airport, either direct or indirect through Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport (GAU) or Kailashahar Airport (IXH)Distance: 50 mi / 81 km. Please search here to see if there are any flights from Kheria to Aizawl Airport.

4.) What is the nearest airport to Aizawl Airport? How far it is from Kheria airport?

Nearest airport to Aizawl Airport is Kailashahar Airport (IXH)Distance: 50 mi / 81 km.

5.) What is the nearest hotel near Kheria airport?

To find cheap hotels near Kheria airport, Find cheap hotels near Kheria airport here

6.) Is there a hotel available at Kheria airport?

There are many cheap and economic hotels and shared accommodation available near Kheria airport. If you are after Airbnb at Kheria airport, please click here to find shared accommodation near Kheria airport

7.) Is there a hotel available at Aizawl Airport?

Depending upon your time of arrival at Aizawl Airport, you may be able to find last minute hotel deals near Aizawl Airport here

8.) What is the most popular destination from Aizawl Airport?

Most popular destination near Aizawl Airport is Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport (GAU). Find best flight deals from Kheria to Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport (GAU) on flight dada here.

9.) Is Kheria airport open during night?

Yes, Kheria airport is open 24 hour as per our research. We may be wrong though.. Please check on their website about current operating hours of Kheria airport.

10.) Is Aizawl Airport operate during night?

It is not clear if this airport provides round the clock arrival and departure for passengers.

11.) How to travel from Kheria airport to Aizawl Airport?

To fly from Kheria airport to Aizawl Airport, please search in the form above and we will show you if there is any last minute flight from Kheria airport to Aizawl Airport.

Enjoy the cheapest flight from Kheria airport to Aizawl Airport.

Zero Airport (ZER)

Kheria Airport in Agra (AGR) to Cooch Behar Airport (COH) Flights